Company donations
Will you be our partner in the fight against hopelessness and poverty?
Being an active company
Your support is an important building block for the success of our work. There are different ways to become involved, depending on whether you are a one-time donator or wish to provide long-term support.
A company donation enables you to provide quick and effective aid against hopelessness. Become a donator of hope! Of course, your company donation is also tax deductible.
You can help decide
Would you like your money to be used for a certain purpose? Would you like, for example, to be a partner in helping us train apprentices for our project or would you prefer to donate a minimum of 4000 euros and be able to promote a certain project or an initiative on a long-term basis? We are happy to advise you personally. Please give us a call.
Company cooperation
With this type of aid your company and our organization will equally profit:
If you offer for a specified time one or more charity products, such as a defined contribution for a product to benefit Medizinische Nothilfe Albania e.V., then we will develop a Cause Related Marketing Campaign with you. We will provide you with photographic material and personal reports which can help the effectiveness of the proceeds and make our project become alive for your customers.
Compared with your competitors, involvement with our project will offer a specially strong impression on the public and give your customers the chance to take responsibility with you.